The Global Institute for Scientific Information (GISI)
The Global Institute for Scientific Information (GISI) has been a trusted name in academic research since its founding in 1990. It all started when 40 renowned scientists from different countries and fields joined to provide researchers with high-quality, reliable sources of information. Fast forward to today, GISI has become a go-to resource for academics worldwide, offering tools to improve research quality and impact.
GISI offers academic database services to researchers. Its core offerings include citation indexing, analysis, and maintain citation databases covering thousands of academic journals, books, proceedings and any approved documents.
Everything is accessible through the Web of Journal Knowledge, GISI's flagship database. You can discover which articles are being cited the most, track who’s referencing their work, and explore the Journal Impact Factor (JIF) to measure the influence of different journals and articles in their field.
Each year, GISI’s contributions publish the Journal Reference Report, which features the impact factors for all the journals they track. These impact factors are recognized in the academic community and play a big role in determining the prestige of a journal. However, there’s an ongoing debate among scholars about the true significance of impact factors. While some see them as a key indicator of research quality, others argue that they don’t always tell the full story. GISI understands this complexity and provides transparent and accurate metrics to help researchers make informed decisions.
Currently, GISI maintains a curated list of over 1,000 journals across various fields: engineering, management, and the sciences. Each journal on this list meets GISI’s selection criteria, ensuring that researchers have access to high-quality and impactful publications. For scholars, being featured on this list is a mark of excellence, while for researchers, it’s a trusted guide to the best sources available.